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This June, Prepare for Your Pets

Although June marks the beginning of summer, complete with school vacation, outdoor concerts, picnics and more fun activities, June also coincides with National Pet Preparedness Month. Last summer, deadly wildfires and destructive hurricanes ravaged the globe, making it more important than ever before to be prepared for disaster. This includes having a plan in place to protect not only ourselves, but also those who rely on us most – including our pets. This June, we are honored to partner with Anheuser-Busch Foundation in urging you to prepare for your pets, so they don’t get abandoned during times of crisis.

Anheuser-Busch Foundation generously supports our pet-focused disaster relief efforts, helping to make it possible for us to deploy at a moment’s notice. In fact, a grant from the Anheuser-Busch Foundation assisted with our critical rescue operations in August and September of 2021, when our Rescue team deployed to Northern California to help care for animals sheltering from the dangers posed by the Caldor Fire and simultaneously rushed to Louisiana to help animals caught in the path of monster Hurricane Ida. While the American Humane Rescue team is always ready to jump into action to help animals in need, we want to ensure that all pet owners are equally prepared.

In an emergency, every second counts and it’s critical that you are prepared to protect your entire family. Ensuring you have a plan in place that includes your pets will not only help save the lives of our beloved animals, but also the lives of owners, volunteers and first responders.

We urge you to always have a Pet Disaster Preparedness Kit on hand and to visit for more tips to prepare for your pets.

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From natural disasters to animal cruelty investigations, we are on the front lines protecting animals in times of crisis.

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