Fact Sheets (Page 5)

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  • Disaster Preparedness for Shelters

    Disasters can be as diverse as a barn collapse, train derailment, drought, blizzard, explosion, or any situation that leaves animals helpless and without care. As the animal care facility in…
  • Canine Influenza

    The Facts Canine influenza H3N8 viruses originated in horses, spread to dogs, and can now spread between dogs. H3N8 equine influenza (horse flu) viruses have been known to exist in…
  • Feline Diabetes

    Diabetes mellitus, or “sugar” diabetes, is a common disorder in cats, striking one in every 400. It is caused by the inability of the hormone insulin to properly balance blood…
  • Foreclosure Pets

    The economy impacts everything — even pets. A growing number of animals are becoming victims of the economic downturn and the housing foreclosure crisis. Animal shelters, rescue groups and animal…
  • Age-Based Coping Tips

    Last Updated: May 2022 Every child is different. However, the following guidelines may help you better understand reactions to pet loss that are typical for different age groups. Children Under…
  • Exercising Your Pet

    All animals need exercise — cats need to play, dogs need to run, even hamsters need to spin on their wheels. Here’s what you can do to make sure your…
  • Cats & Kids

    It’s very common for families to want to add companion animals to their home, especially if they have children. However, some homes are small, and some families may not have…
  • Cats and Scratching

    Scratching is a completely normal and healthy behavior that most cats engage in, and it serves many purposes. Cats scratch to “mark” their territory by leaving behind visual markers as…
  • Choosing a Dog Collar

    It can be difficult to place the first collar on a new pet, especially if that animal is not used to wearing one. However, it is important that all puppies…
  • Cat Adopters & Cat Owners

    TOP TEN CHECKLIST FOR ADOPTING A CAT If you’re thinking about adopting a cat, consider taking home two. Cats require exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction. Two cats can provide…